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Play Green

Go Green


Play is a vital part of a child's life, want to give your child's toys a second chance. We will love to give your purchase a second home, donate your gently used purchase and receive 10% off your next purchase. All donations will benefit local children's charities.

Play Green

Please contact us for local pick up or drop off details. We will cover NYC standard ground delivery cost. We could only accept Let's Play purchases. We accept block sets, vehicles, music instruments, sensory boards, Montessori sets, games and puzzles.

Second Home

Your donated purchase will benefit children in critical situations and put a smile on a child's face. Local children's charities place children in foster care, transitional housing or crisis centers. There's all kinds of places where children are in a bad situation and would love a toy to distract them from it. Your donation supports the importance of play in situations of crisis.

Go Green

Donating to local children's charities is a helpful choice for both individuals and the environment. Meanwhile donating unwanted toys keeps them out of landfills. You might think going green is tough. We're here to tell you; is really not. For instance, by simply donating your unwanted purchases you are making a difference. It also brings home many messages of caring.

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